New 2019 Logo!

Our new logo for 2019 has been revamped and also simplified, for a design we hope you love!

Comments: 1
  • #1

    jay (Thursday, 03 January 2019 04:09)

    hi shark boy


As a team we strive to change other's opinions on sharks and create awareness about the gradually declining shark populations. Sharks have been regarded as "killing machines" and some sharks in particular have their own cruel names, for example the Great White Shark is sometimes called the White Death. So, help us help the sharks!

Try NOT to eat or use shark related products.

By the creator of the club, Savi J.


Our group strives to change what many people think about sharks. For instance, an everyday diver or snorkeler stumbles across a shark, a creature that they have never seen before. Instinct tells them not to go near and splash! They struggle to get out of the water, and finally they do. Even sometimes if that is a small shark, they occasionally think that it will kill them.


But only 3 sharks are known for unprovoked attacks on man-the Great white, Bull and Tiger sharks. And that is what we are trying to prove. The chance of a shark attack is 1 in 3.7 million. Plus, for every human life taken by the jaws of a shark, possibly 2 million sharks perish at the hands of humans. So the next time you see a shark-related product, just have a think about the shark that had to die for that product that lay right before your eyes.



Comments: 12
  • #12

    Sanithu (Sunday, 21 June 2020 06:16)

    yoo, we still on this or?!?! XD

  • #11

    Sanithu (Sunday, 25 August 2019 03:10)

    keep up the good work Savi

  • #10

    Anonymous (Tuesday, 11 June 2019 21:07)

    Wazzup dude. U r a person which is a homo sapien

  • #9

    john (Tuesday, 28 May 2019 22:09)

    good job savi

  • #8

    Savi (Saturday, 16 March 2019 02:16)

    Hi everyone, thanks so much for the positive feedback. It means so much to the entire Shark Club.

  • #7

    Seyar - Helper (Wednesday, 13 February 2019 20:39)

    Cool Savi!

  • #6

    Anonymous (Monday, 11 February 2019 00:00)

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is weird

  • #5

    Michael (Thursday, 07 February 2019 21:08)

    Nice Savi

  • #4

    Kevin (Thursday, 07 February 2019)

    Nice. awesome. i love it. u are doing an awesome deed

  • #3

    Novak (Thursday, 07 February 2019 20:00)

    You are doing a great thing i like your club thank you

  • #2

    Viruja sonic (Thursday, 07 February 2019 19:59)

    the best shark club i have ever seen in my entire life

  • #1

    Chris TMPS (Wednesday, 06 February 2019 22:19)

    It’s good savi im going to join